The National Joint Strategic Workshop for the combatting of homophobic and tranphobic bullying in schools which was organised by KMOP, took place on June 28th, 2018 at the Europe Direct – Athens City hall at the Serafion Sports & Cultural Center in the center of Athens.
The main goal of the workshop was the development of strategies for the combatting of homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools, based on the specialisation and experience of the involved stakeholders. At a next stage the interested stakeholders will collaborate for the identification of the national priorities related to the phenomenon of homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools and the development of an action plan for its combatting. The workshop was addressed to allied government officials and professionals from the education sector (teachers’ unions, school psychologist associations, educational institutions etc.) and civil society.
The project is funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC) 2014-2020 of the European Union and is implemented by a scheme of 5 partner organisations in 4 countries. HOMBAT is targeted at members of the broader educational community, students in primary and secondary education, parents of students in primary and secondary education, educational authorities and relevant bodies.